Monday, February 7, 2011


1. Language

transition into using more Japanese, use Japanese as much as possible, use the grammar structure and vocabulary we learned, not always playing it safe with what we have learned in class

2. Content
• a good name, catchy titles,
• a good topic or theme, some sort of continuity in the theme/topic of the blog, topics that somehow relate to Japanese, Topic should be related to Japanese culture to raise people's common interests, culture observation,
• various subjects, new content, informing, updated material, genuine value, learning life lessons, sentimental value, addictive material, opinions,
• clarity,
• interesting to reader and writer, interesting topics that lead to good discussions coherent, controversial information, entertaining, nothing too explicit or controversial, original/creative, fun, appropriate/polite content,
• regional reaction to international events, about something that actually matters,
• don't self-reference language learning

3. Layout
compelling graphic elements, easy on the eyes, aesthetics, Appealing wallpapers, legible (ex. the background should not be the same or similar color of the text). not too many shiny bright colors, Ability to scroll through quickly (lots of pictures, videos, etc.), include some pictures, videos, links, etc, Different colored text can help make certain parts stand out

4. Communication
responds to comment, interacting with other blogs, try to interact with other bloggers not only from our class but also the blogs of students from other universities, use this place to make friends and communicate with people, comments should be answered if they include questions, presence of new words, english translation when relevant, should pose questions to invite comments, references to other people's blogs

5. Consideration
personal and honest in nature, be sincere, aware of the language level of one's readers, try to post at the class' level so we can all read your posts, no offensive words or posts.

6. Frequency
update regularly, frequently updated

7. Others
Paragraphs should not be so long that the blog becomes difficult to read

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