Thursday, April 7, 2011



A. ポッドキャストのコメントをもらうアイデアをかんがえましょう。(20分)
  1. ポッドキャストのコメントはいくつありますか。多くなかったら、それはどうしてですか。かんがえてください。
  2. どうやってもっとコメントをもらいますか。日本人二人からコメントをもらいましょう。)アイデアをかんがえて、このブログのコメント欄(らん:column)に書いてください。日本語で書けなかったら、英語で書いてください。グループの名前も書いてください。

B. ほかのクラスのポッドキャストを見ましょう。(15分)
  1. ほかのセクションのポッドキャストを一つか二つ見てください。
  2. 日本語でコメントを書いてください。(日本語で書けない時は英語でもいいです。)




  1. クラスメートのブログを2つ読んでください。
  2. コメントしてください。

D. ブログのコメントをチェックしましょう。(5分)
  1. もらったコメントを読んでください。
  2. 返事(へんじ:reply) が書きたかったら、書いてください。

E. ブログを書きましょう。(15分)
  1. 好きなトピックでブログを書いてください。(4月12日(火)のしゅくだいです)
  2. 何を書いたらいいかわからない時は(If you don't know what to write)、
  • 「私のしゅうかん(e.g., 毎日水を2リットル飲んでいます)」
  • 「Placeでできること(e.g., Hamilton Hallで安い映画のチケットが買えます)」
  • 「みなさんは知りませんが、じつは(actually)私は~ができます/できません!(e.g., 私は10mしかおよげません!)」


Alex said...

We have 4 comments! We told other students in the Japanese department to see our blogs.

We can post it on Facebook, e-mail, and spread it through word of mouth.


Collins-san said...

Kuroi Group (Matt, Cris, Zach):
57 views on Youtube!

I have posted my video on Facebook which provided most of these views ;-). Posting your video on any social networking site would surely increase the view-count of your video.

Another tip is to log-in to multiple computers and watch the video...

So far we only have one comment. I will comment myself and hopefully generate more comments through word-of-mouth and further posting on other websites/blogs.

kent said...

KAS テレビ:
We only received 1 comment so far, most likely because nobody knows that we posted the video. To get more comments, we sent the video to our friends and family.

Chaesang said...

Tall-Tam-Hwang group:

The path to recognition is simple. Post it everywhere and every place.

Ben M. said...


二番:社会的ネットワーク (social network) へいって、ポッドキャストについて人たちと話します。


Benjamin Mayersohn
Thomas Elling
Jeff Tandberg

yoojiniah said...

Other ways we can receive more comments is by going to a large gathering with Japanese people and notify them about our video. That way we can receive more comments from native Japanese speakers.

Izy said...


We've already posted our video on youtube and our blogs. So far we have an astounding amount of 2 whole comments...

We can get more views and comments by...

1. posting it on facebook! Either in status updates, wall posts, or an event page.
2. posting it on twitter!
3. contacting the other schools/students who are part of the blog project and asking them to comment on our podcast.

Isabela Gonzalez, Lauren Hirsch, Autumn Bordner, Nathan Gardner

Diego said...


We thought that some good ways to get people, Japanese people in particular, to watch our podcast project might be: to post it on Facebook or Twitter; to post it on a popular Japanese blog; to send it to friends in Japan; to distribute it among friends, classmates, and family.

Diego Zoghbi
Magnus Ferguson

エミリーリチャーズ said...

Nihon Ryouri Guide Group:

As of today (4/11), our group has 1 comment.

To get more comments, we are going to send a link of our podcast to our friends and request that they view it and submit comments. Some of our friends are native Japanese speakers, as well.

Julian Richardson said...

We put it on facebook so we already have 9 comments 4 likes so we are doing very well. If you have japanese friends home force them to comment on it. you can always post links to japanese blogs to further views and comments.

In fact we will show an example of our advertising strategy.


ミンイー said...

Dear sukusukinihongo,

So far, OsakeNOW only has two comments. We believe that although our podcast is very entertaining, it is a tad long, leading to the loss of a few audience members. Also, we will advertise it more to our peers and Japanese colleagues using social media such as Facebook and Mixi, and through personal connections. We plan to create a Mixi account to connect with our Japanese friends. Through social media, we hope to reach more people.

Min Ye and Tristan

Please watch our video here!

Patrick Woods said...

As of right now, our blog has five comments, which we think is pretty good. The topic of food is appealing to a lot of people, especially people wanting to try out new areas and restaurants in New York City.

Our plan for more Japanese people to watch the video is to send a message to the students we met from 文教大学 on Facebook and ask them to watch it. Then, they will possibly send the video to their friends and fellow students.



ピーター said...

さいきん、ブログににほんごのがくせいのコメントがみっつあります。This is probably because we told people to look at the Youtube video, and lots of people did, but we didn't tell anyone to comment on the blog!



Gillian said...

Columbia Exploration!

So far, we have gotten 9 comments on our blogs, 8 comments on Facebook, and 60 views on Youtube. We think this is because our video is entertaining, we dressed up and used cute animals, which are popular in Japanese media. The bulk of the comments we got were about how cute our show was. Also, Columbia is a famous university, and many Japanese people have heard of it.

We already put the video on Youtube and Facebook so our friends would see it.