Monday, April 11, 2011


  1. コメントの数(かず:number
  2. ポッドキャストを見てもらうために(in order to)何をしたか(どこにビデオをポストしたか)
Why is it important to advertise your work and receive more comments in the Podcast Project?

1. If no one sees your podcast, you cannot convey your message (and feelings) to other people.
  • You may have realized this by now, but it is not so easy to attract the targeted audience. Even if you have created a good podcast, without advertising your work it is very hard for others to find your podcasts.
2. You do not know whether or not you will succeed in conveying your ideas and feelings to others until you actually communicate with them.
  • By reading the comments that you received, you can be sure whether or not your messages are properly received by the audience.
Since you are learning Japanese with a goal to communicate in Japanese, it is very important for you to think not only about the grammar and vocabulary but also about the meaning of “communication,” which includes thinking about how you let others know your ideas (and feelings) as well as confirming whether or not you succeed in conveying your ideas and feelings to others.

Keeping this in mind, let’s express ourselves and communicate in Japanese more so that we can become a better communicator!

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