Sunday, March 27, 2011


3月11日の日本の地震(じしん)と津波(つなみ)はとてもたいへんでした。みなさんもニュースで知っていると思います。原子力発電所(げんしりょくはつでんしょ:nuclear power plants)もたいへんです。原子力発電所は、上の地図(ちず)のAのところにありますが、原子力発電所の近くにすんでいた人は家に帰ることができません。それから、近くで牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)や野菜(やさい)を作っている人もとてもたいへんだと聞きました。わたしの親戚(しんせき:relatives)も仙台(せんだい)やいわきに住(す)んでいるから、ほんとうに心配(しんぱい)です。



Dear fellow students of Japanese Program,

On March 11, Japan was struck by the most devastating earthquake in its history. The following Tsunami struck and nuclear threat have caused even more harm to the people of Japan. The affected people are in dire need of our help and support.

There are many ways you can help. Currently, several relief efforts are being planned on campus, including cash donation, text message donation, wrist band selling and the Photo Message Project. For updated information we invite you to join CJR. Check out our Google Group at the following link: A more detailed event list can also be found on our Google group page. To join the group, simply click "join this group" on the right hand side of the group web page, and you will be able to add new posts, participate in discussions, and receive messages about further events. Please also invite your friends from other department.

We are now planning on our own relief events. If you have any good idea or resource, feel free to post it on our group page.

As we have all realized, it will be a long and hard process for Japan to recover, but we have faith. We believe that any help or support will make a difference.
Join us NOW and show your support!


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