Sunday, October 31, 2010


We have 3 activities today. If you don’t finish within the class period, finish them at home.

1. Form a group of 3-4 and discuss what makes a good literary work (e.g., haiku, senryu, story, manga, poem, etc). (10 minutes)

After you have created your own literary work, your teacher as well as your classmates will evaluate your work mutually. Based on today’s discussion, we will create an evaluation criteria that will be used at the end of the semester.

  • In a group of 3-4, discuss some of the characteristics that would make a good literary work (e.g., haiku, senryu, story, manga, poem, etc)..
  • Share what you have discussed by posting comments on this blog entry. Include all the group members’ names or initials.

2. Make a literary work using katakana. (Due: November 17th, Wednesday) (20 minutes)

(1) Read other people’s comments on “what makes a good literary work”. (2 minutes)

  • Scroll down to the comment section of this entry and read other people’s comments on “what makes a good literary work”.

(2) By using katakana words/expressions, create your own literary work and post it on your own blog. (18 minutes)

So far, we have searched and categorized various usages of katakana. We have also analyzed the purposes and effects of each katakana word/expression. By making the most of what we have learned through our katakana project, create literary work using various usages of katakana, instead of using just a single usage of katakana (e.g. loanword only).

  • Choose the type of your literary work among haiku, senryu, manga, story, poem, etc. If you want to do 2 different types of literary works, you may create another one.
  • If you choose to write senryu, read the previous blog entry about haiku, and senryu and review the rules. You have to write at least 3 senryu works.
  • Leave your own comment for the same blog entry (the one where you published your literary work) and explain why you have used the particular katakana words in your literary work as well as their effects.

3. Read comments on your katakana analysis (draft) and revise your analysis. (Deadline: December 1)(15 minutes)
  • Revise your analysis and post it on your blog. For the title, write "Katakana Analysis (final)."
  • Do not delete your Katakana analysis (draft). Write a new entry.
  • The final analysis will be graded by the instructor.
Katakana Analysis Checklist
  1. Did you clearly state the source(s) for your data (e.g., newspaper "Asayomi shinbun," women's magazine "Kitty")?
  2. Did you gather enough information from varied sources to support your conclusion?
  3. Were you able to exchange your opinion with people who know Japanese (i.e., advanced level Japanese learners, Japanese people)?


Elaine said...

We believe that a good literary work consists of the following:
- in poems & haiku: capturing the listener's attention with rhythms, rhymes, and catchy sounds through the combination of katakana and hiragana.
- in manga: a good story line, mostly short dialogues.
- story: character development, good plot, enough actions and down times for the plot.
- senryu: controversial/thought provoking content; contains an aspect that would trigger a reaction from the reader.

Overall, the literary works should capture the viewer's attention and keep them engaged.


gec2112 said...

In general, we think that it is kind of hard to quantify "what makes a good literary work" because there are so many differing genres within "literature" that different rules can be applied to different types of writing. However, if we are going to talk about it, we think that:

First would be use of language, meaning either a unique use of diction perhaps, as well as formation of a style and consistency of that style throughout the work.

In addition, there has to be something about the work that grabs the reader and induces them to read the whole thing.

Lastly, we think that any literary work should have on unique characteristic about whether that be a unique writing style, or whether, thematically, it is a variation or innovation of a previously existing work.


ケリー said...

We think that a good literary work consists of the following:
-Interesting material/topic
-Captivating rhythm through use of words with different syllables
-In longer works, depth of character and plot
-Believable dialogue
-Unique perspective
-Clarity of thought


Dilcia said...

Quality literary work should consist of:
-a unique and exciting subject that will keep the audience engaged
- vocabulary that takes into account the audience's level of understanding.
-depth beyond the plot, such as an insightful underlying message or moral


Matt said...

A good literary work should be interesting. It should grab the reader's attention with good rhythm (esp. for poetry) and creative themes. At out level, the most important is to correctly use the grammar we know in creative ways. It should be clearly written.


Eleven said...

A good literary work should:
1) entice one's interests
2) have good imagery
3) be creative
4) be organized and well-thought out
5) serve a purpose

Mai Huynh, Cristian Turcios, Alex Tall, Helen Qiu

JW said...

Beginning, middle, end
Fleshed out characters
Eternal verities
Existential crisis (or hints of…)
Sense of fantasy (mythos)
Heavy symbolic under/overtones
References to past great works of literature
Tragic, star-crossed romance
Wordplay, fun with language
Challenging societal conventions
Works that take advantage of the limited vocabulary an
Sense of audience (so words that aren’t too difficult)

Jae Won Chung
Tristan Brown
Zach Collins

Chaesang said...
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Chaesang said...

1)Ability to reach wide audiences across ages and cultural backgrounds.
2)Entertainment value.
3)Creative and well developed characters/subjects.
4)Brightly colored/illustrated.
5)Unpredictable story lines that still follow an archetype without being too formulaic.

Hosub Hwang
Nicole Kwoh

Michael Ard said...

1) For a Haiku or other poem, the correct form and style are important. And they should express feelings in an appropriate way.
2) Catches the reader's attention
3) Has a clear plot and moves smoothly through it
4)Interesting, creative, and unique
5) Smart, funny, witty

Yorkie Tam
Michael Ard

kent said...

What makes a good literary work?
- original, unique, creative content
- should flow, have rhythm
- catch, entertaining
- thought provoking
- style
- deep, expresses feelings
- could be funny


ジャイミ said...

We believe that a good literary work consists of the following:
-varied and precise vocabulary
-Have a good rhythm
-Content should be general enough so that one's reader can sympathize or relate to.
-Humor is a good tactic

Jamie, PangFei, Simon

Raedesu said...

Racheal Johnson, Patrick Woods

A good literary work should be original, interesting, thought provoking, creative, not cliche, and easy to interpret and/or understand.

Danlong said...

A good literary work should be:

-Thought Provoking
-Appeal to a wide audience

Dan Barish
Tina Yen
Meng Fan
Li Jun Wang

Eagle said...

Louise, Leila

A good literary work should be:
1) creative,
2) imaginative;
3) thoughtful - leaves room for people to talk about;
4) interesting;
5) fun to read; not boring.

Rachel Yunkyung Choo said...

should be

2)with beautiful rhythmic rhyme
4)including meaningful ideas
6)leaving impression on the audiences


Izy said...

1. provokes imagery

2. should discuss something of substance

3. coherent

4. thought provoking

5. well crafted (i.e.- put thought/effort into it, strategic choice of words, etc.)

Benjamin Mayersohn
Lauren Hirsch
Isabela Gonzalez

Jing Zhang, Cathy said...

1) original
2) carrying some profound meanings
3) with good rhymthm
4) express human emotions

Jing Zhang, Nez

Magnus said...

1. A literary work should provoke thought or reflection.
2. It should also appeal to the senses.
3. It can potentially carry universal values, though many great works focus on reflecting a particular culture.
4. Great literary works evoke emotion or sensation within the reader.
5. It should also be of an appropriate length for what it is trying to accomplish.

Magnus, Danny, hwajin, Diego

アロン said...

A good haiku or senryuu should properly express its theme. A good senryuu should express an aspect of human nature, while a good haiku should express an aspect of the natural world. For a good story or manga, there should be an interesting plot and characters one can relate to.

An important characteristic of any literary work is its ability to affect the reader. A great literary work makes the reader think. When one walks away from a good literary work, some of the ideas should linger with them. Rather then the work only being pertinent during the reading, a truly great literary work provides substance for the reader to mull over, perhaps sparking new ideas and questions.

A work that speaks to the reader, that the reader can relate to and draw themes from would generally be considered good.

However, in order for a literary work to be good, it does not necessarily have to be as “deep” as alluded to above. A great manga or short story for example, could be a fickle, fantastical story that serves as a form of escapism. A work does not necessarily have to inspire deep thought, though this is often an indicator of a good work, but it should serve some function for the reader. The work should not leave the reader apathetic to its content, but inspire some type of emotion, reaction, or critical thought.

Aaron Pollak
Autumn Bordner
Nathan Gardner

ピーター said...

A good literary work:

Can picture in your head.
Invokes emotional response.
Has an interesting plot (for longer pieces).
Sounds beautiful.
Has a point to it, not just going on about nothing.
Leads to the reader's own interpretations.
Memorable characters.
Unique, not repetitive/ cliche.
Relatable to the reader.
Good use of language.

Peter Wallerson
Mailing Wu
Kendy Imrith
Jim Huang

Angela Lee said...
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andoryu said...

We believe that good literary works have:
1) Follows a structure
2) Evokes a feeling or emotion using description and imagery. Aesthetically pleasing.
3) Or is entertaining
4) People can appreciate or relate to the characters. In some cases, an element of timelessness helps.

Homin said...

connecting to readers,
provokes image, songs, and etc
good looking in shape (i.g. calligraphic similarity to content.)
providing lessons (underlying deeper messages),
uniquely stylish,

Alex, Jonathan, Jean, Homin

Angela Lee said...

We believe that a good literary work should:
1)make you see/sense images, sounds, smells, and other sensory details.
2)capture your attention.(interesting concept, story, plot)
3)question the typical standards within the work that people expect to see.
4)express concepts about human nature (may not be a key to solution) but take a precise situation to describe life in general.
-Johni, Laurent, Angela

Musō-ka said...

Good literature draws the reader into the story. There must be good command of the given language and the ability to manipulate it in such a way as to invoke sensory images in the reader. Onomatopoeia, specific diction and even syntax (usually particular to each language) are just a few of the several ways a writer can convey the feeling of the writing. The work of literature should have a good plot with enough twists and turns to keep people interested as well as characters that you can relate to and are different.
